Welcome to URMAN.com


URMAN's most important goal is to offer our clients a great service, just as high as our clients are, giving them the support they are expecting from us. That is the reason we have created this help and FAQ section, to solve some basic doubts our clients may have.

Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I buy your products?

You can find our variety of products in some main supermarkets, office and scholar articles stores. We are present in Mexico, Center, Southamerica and the USA as well. If you are looking for more information or more specific places and stores, consult our "Where to Buy" section.

Where can I see a complete catalogue with the collections you have?

If you are interested in our scholar products you can go to the "School Products" section, or click here.
But if you prefer to see some of our "Houseware" products, you can go to this section from the top menu or you can go directly by clicking here.

I can't find your products in any store in the city where I live, do you have any kind of shipping service?.

By the moment we do not have any kind of shipping service. We invite you to see our "Where to Buy" section so you can find out if our brand is available in your home city. If you require a considerable amount of product for a course, event, school, etc. you can contact us by e-mail and we will inform you if it would be possible to make some kind of special delivery (restrictions may apply).

My school or company is organizing an event in which more than one sponsor will be present, is it possible for URMAN to participate as one in the event?

URMAN would be glad to participate in a scholar or a company event by bringing some of our products for contests, awards or gifts. But not only that, we could also have presence in your event with a stand, an animator and our "Urmi" mascot!. Contact us and we will tell you what the possibilities could be according to the event.

I am interested to be an URMAN's brand retailer, with whom I have to speak or contact?

To be an URMAN's brand retailer we suggest you to send us your information by e-mail, that way we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. If you prefer to contact us by phone you can call to our numbers that appear below in this section.

I am a licensee and I would like to offer URMAN a collection, designs and characters I manage, what do I have to do to make this possible?.

Send us your complete information to our e-mail along with a portfolio or demo, if you have a web site send us the link to be able to see your work and with pleasure we will give you an answer as soon as possible.

We would like to offer our services as a supplier (paper, raw material, printing, etc.).

URMAN already has a number of suppliers to elaborate its products, we are always searching for the best quality not only in materials but human relations in every company or bussines in which we are involved. If your company offers services related with the notebooks market, scholar and office articles that you believe we may be interested in, get in touch with us by sending an e-mail with your information.

I would like to be part of the URMAN team, is it possible to get a job in the company?

If you would like to work with us in any of our departments, send us your resume with your complete information, we will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of any vacancy in the company.

If you did not found the aswer you were looking for, still have any doubts, comments or need information about something more specific, feel free to contact us by e-mail or phone:


Business hours from Monday to Friday:  8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
For URMAN all that matters is you!

-URMAN Celebrates its 25th. anniversary.
-Mini Back to School (January)
-Back to School 2016 (May)
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